Glass property DB
Glass property DB (SciGlass)
Keywords |
density, electrical, glass, mechanical, optical, phase diagram, viscosity |
Developers |
Country | Name | Address |
USA | ITC Inc. (ITC) | 22 Considine Rd. Newton, Ma 20459, USA |
Russia | Thermex Company | Nab. Chernoy Rechki, 41, St. Petersburg, 197342, Russia |
Literature References |
№ | Authors | Name | Source | Year | Volume | Number | Pages |
1 | Gankin Y., Mazurin O.V. | About testing the reliability of glass property data in binary systems
| J.Non-Cryst.Solids | 2004 | 342 | | 166-169 |
2 | Gankin Y., Mazurin O.V. | Determination of the most reliable glass property values by the SciGlass information system
| Proc. XX ICG, Kyoto, Sep.27-Oct.1, 2004 | 2004 | | | O-07-009 |
3 | Mazurin O.V. | Glass properties: compilation, evaluation, and prediction
| J.Non-Cryst.Solids | 2005 | 351 | | 1103-1112 |
4 | Mazurin O.V., Priven A.I. | Glass Property Databases: Their History, Present State, and Prospects for Further Development
| Adv.Mater.Res. | 2008 | 39-40 | | 147-152 |
5 | Гусаров В.В., Мазурин О.В. | Будущее информационных технологий в материаловедении
| Физика и химия стекла | 2002 | 28 | 22 | 74-86 |