№ | Authors | Name |
1 | Conway P.P., Dinsdale A.T., Huang Z., Robinson J.A.J., Thomson R.C. | A computational interface for thermodynamic calculations software MTDATA |
2 | Castanet R., Jaroma-Weiland G., Neuer G., Zahra A.M., Zahra C.Y. | A databank for Thermophysical properties of light metals alloys |
3 | Neumann D.B., Wang P. | A Database and Retrieval System for the NBS Tables of Chemical Thermodynamic Properties |
4 | Caracas R. | A database of incommensurate phases |
5 | Cheeseman P.A., Deem M.W., Pophale R. | A database of new zeolite-like materials |
6 | Chang H., Na G.S. | A public database of thermoelectric materials and system-identified material representation for data-driven discovery |
7 | Buongiorno-Nardelli M., Curtarolo S., Levy O., Rose F., Taylor R.H., Toher C., Yang K. | A RESTful API for exchanging materials data in the AFLOWLIB.org consortium |
8 | Gankin Y., Mazurin O.V. | About testing the reliability of glass property data in binary systems |
9 | Buongiorno-Nardelli M., Curtarolo S., Hart G.L.W., Levy O., Mingo N., Nelson L.J., Sanvito S., Setyawan W., Taylor R.H., Wang S., Xue J., Yang K. | AFLOWLIB.ORG: A distributed materials properties repository from high-throughput ab initio calculations |
10 | Kline A.A., Mullins M.E., Rogers T.N., Szydlik C.R. | An overview of compiling, critically evaluating, and delivering reliable physical property data from AIChE DIPPR® Projects 911 and 912 |
11 | Blanc P., Colas E., Duro L., Gaboreau S., Gailhanou H., Giffaut E., Grive M., Made B., Marty N., Vieillard P. | Andra thermodynamic database for performance assessment: ThermoChimie |
12 | Aroyo M.I., Capillas C., Kirov A., Perez-Mato J.M., Wondratschek H. | Bilbao Crystallographic Server. II. Representations of crystallographic point groups and space groups |
13 | Aroyo M.I., de la Flor G., Orobengoa D., Perez-Mato J.M., Tasci E.S., Wondratschek H. | Brillouin-zone database on the Bilbao Crystallographic Server |
14 | Трахтенгерц М.С. | CDS/ISIS for Windows - новый эффективный инструмент для текстовых баз данных. Опыт Теплофизического центра ИВТ РАН |
15 | Hu C., Jiang X., Li G., Lu H., Lu X., Wang H., Wang S., Xiao Y., Xu L. | CIAC comprehensive information system of rare earths |
16 | Jiang X., Li G., Lu H., Lu X., Wang H., Wang S., Xiao Y., Xu L. | CIAC comprehensive information system of rare earths |
17 | Noname | CINDAS: Microelectronics Packaging Materials Database Guide. CSA |
18 | Ceder G., Chen W., Cholia S., Dacek S., Gunter D., Hautier G., Jain A., Ong S.P., Persson K.A., Richards W.D., Skinner D. | Commentary: The materials project: A materials genome approach to accelerating materials innovation |
19 | Aidhy D., Barr E., Singh M. | Consolidated database of high entropy materials (COD’HEM): An open online database of high entropy materials |
20 | Fukami T., Iseda T., Oguro H., Saitou T. | Constructing a Glass Material Database Using Java Language |
21 | Sakai T. | Construction of materials databases and their useful application in the Society of Materials Science, Japan (JSMS) |
22 | Bruno I., Grazulis S., Helliwell J.R., Kabekkodu S.N., McMahon B., Westbrook J. | Crystallography and Databases |
23 | Aroyo M.I., de la Flor G., Kirov A., Orobengoa D., Perez-Mato J.M., Tasci E.S. | Crystallography online: Bilbao Crystallographic Server |
24 | Butkus J., Chateigner D., Downs R.T., Grazulis S., Le Bail A., Lutterotti L., Manakova E., Moeck P., Quiros M., Yokochi A.F.T. | Crystallography Open Database – an open-access collection of crystal structures |
25 | Gough S.R., Rodgers J.R., Villars P., Wood G.H. | CRYSTMET – The NRCC metals crystallographic data file |
26 | Le Page Y., Rodgers J.R., White P.S. | CRYSTMET: a database of the structures and powder patterns of metals and intermetallics |
27 | Bergerhoff G. | Data base for inorganic crystal structures |
28 | Buchsbaum C., Hohler-Schlimm S., Rehme S. | Data Bases, the Base for Data Mining |
29 | Asada Y., Kurihara Y., Nakada E., Yokokawa T., Yoshikawa A. | Database for materials design of multi-layered superconductors |
30 | Knio O., Medford A.J., Nair S., Sholl D.S. | Database of Computation-Ready 2D Zeolitic Slabs |
31 | Arapan S., Barandiaran J.M., DelBrio N.L., Echevarria-Bonet C., Eriksson O., Gutfleisch O., Herper H.C., Kovacs A., Marticorena-Sanchez R., Maudes-Raedo J., Nieves P., Salazar D., Schrefl T., Serrano-Lope | Database of novel magnetic materials for high-performance permanent magnet development |
32 | Li J.-Y., Qi M., Xu R.-R., Yan Y., Yu J.-H., Zhang X. | Database of open-framework aluminophosphate syntheses: introduction and application (I) |
33 | Dudarev V.A., Kiselyova N.N., Korzhuev M.A. | Database on bandgaps of inorganic substances and materials |
34 | Bonificio W.D., Borg C.K.H., Clarke D.R., Gaultois M.W., Seshadri R., Sparks T.D. | Data-Driven Review of Thermoelectric Materials: Performance and Resource Considerations |
35 | Gankin Y., Mazurin O.V. | Determination of the most reliable glass property values by the SciGlass information system |
36 | Droge T., Sass R., Westhaus U. | DETHERM – a thermophysical property database |
37 | Ashino T., Fujita M., Kaji Y., Mashiko S., Miyakawa S., Shimura K., Tsuji H., Xu Y., Yoshida K. | Development of a knowledge based system linked to a materials database |
38 | Wang H., Xu Y., Yagi K., Yamazaki M. | Development of an Internet system for composite design and thermophysical property prediction |
39 | Bilbao y Leon S., Jo S., Kim J., Kim Y. | Development of an Online Nuclear Materials Thermo-physical Property Database (THERPRO) |
40 | Baba T., Yagi T., Yamashita Y. | Development of Network Database System for Thermophysical Property Data of Thin Films |
41 | Ishida K., Kainuma R., Liu X. J., Ohnuma I., Wang C.P. | Development of thermodynamic and kinetic databases in micro-soldering alloy systems and their applications |
42 | Spencer P.J. | Development of thermodynamic databases and their relevance for the solution of technical problems |
43 | Palmer D.A. | DIPPR – an improbable success |
44 | Oscarson J.L., Rowley R.L., Wilding W.V. | DIPPR Project 801 evaluated process design data |
45 | Dewan A.K.R., Dong Q., Marsh K.N. | DIPPR Project 882: Transport Properties and Related Thermodynamic Data for Binary Mixtures |
46 | Larsen A.H., Thomson G.H. | DIPPR: Satisfying Industry Data Needs |
47 | Drago V.J., Kaufman J.G. | Direct access to material properties for modeling and simulation |
48 | Bale C.W., Chartrand P., Degterov S.A., Eriksson G., Hack K., Mahfoud B., Melancon J., Pelton A. D., Petersen S. | FactSage Thermochemical Software and Databases |
49 | Bale C.W., Belisle E., Chartrand P., Decterov S.A., Eriksson G., Hack K., Jung I.-H., Kang Y.-B., Pelton A. D., Petersen S., Robelin C. | FactSage thermochemical software and databases - recent developments |
50 | Bale C.W., Belisle E., Chartrand P., Decterov S.A., Eriksson G., Gheribi A.E., Hack K., Jung I.-H., Kang Y.-B., Melancon J., Pelton A. D., Petersen S., Robelin C., Sangster J., Spencer P.J., VanEn | FactSage thermochemical software and databases, 2010–2016 |
51 | Akiyama Y., Itoh T., Kawazoe Y., Mori N., Nakanomyo T., Tsai A.P., Wada S. | Factual database on amorphous materials |
52 | Eriguchi K., Shimura K. | Factual Databases for Materials Design and Manufacturing |
53 | Baba T., Nagashima A., Yamashita Y. | Function Sharing and Systematic Collaboration between a Networking Database System and Printed Media on Thermophysical Properties Data |
54 | Alford N.McN., Axelsson A.-K., Chen L., Coveney P.V., Evans J.R.G., Fearn S., Kilner J.A., Manos S., Pullar R.C., Rossiny J.C.H., Scott D.J., Sebastian M.T., Yang S., Zhang Y. | Functional Ceramic Materials Database: An Online Resource for Materials Research |
55 | Buck E., Frankl E.M. | Gaps in the pure component experimental physical property data base |
56 | Mazurin O.V. | Glass properties: compilation, evaluation, and prediction |
57 | Mazurin O.V., Priven A.I. | Glass Property Databases: Their History, Present State, and Prospects for Further Development |
58 | Frenkel M. | Global Information Systems in Science: Application to the Field of Thermodynamics |
59 | Kloffer M. | Gmelin-Online Datensystem. Ablauf der dezentralen Datenerfassung fur das Gmelin-Online-System von der Diskette zur Datenbank |
60 | Droniou C., Fromageau R. | Hydrogen-data. Numerical and factual data bank about hydrogen-material interaction |
61 | Droniou C., Fromageau R., Rubinstein M. | Hydrogen-data: a Numerical and factual data bank on hydrogen-material interaction |
62 | Bakardjieva S., Barrachin M., Bechta S., Bottomley D., Brissoneau L., Cheynet B., Fischer E., Journeau C., Kiselova M., Mezentseva L., Piluso P., Wiss T. | Improvement of the European thermodynamic database NUCLEA |
63 | Noname | Informationszentrum fur Werkstoffanwendung |
64 | Fluck E. | Inorganic Crystal Structure Database (ICSD)and Standardized Data and Crystal ChemicalCharacterization of Inorganic StructureTypes (TYPIX)—Two Tools for InorganicChemists and Crystallographers |
65 | Villars P., Xu Y., Yamazaki M. | Inorganic Materials Database for Exploring the Nature of Material |
66 | Iwata S., Дударев В.А., Земсков В.С., Киселева Н.Н., Прокошев И.В., Хорбенко В.В. | Integration Principles of Russian and Japanese Databases on Inorganic Materials |
67 | Fabry J., Janovec V., Kluiber Z., Richterova L., Tomaszewski P.E. | Inverse Database of Phase Transitions in Crystals with a Single Phase Transition |
68 | Belov G.V., Iorish V.S., Yungman V.S. | IVTANTHERMO for Windows — database on thermodynamic properties and related software |
69 | Chase M.W., Davies C.A., Downey J.R., Frurip D.J., McDonald R.A., Syverud A.N. | JANAF thermochemical tables. Third edition |
70 | Hubbard C.R., McMurdie H.F., Mighell A.D., Wong-Ng W. | JCPDS-ICDD Research Associateship (Cooperative Program with NBS/NIST) |
71 | Fokin L., Kalashnikov A., Petkov I., Pirgov P., Popov V., Zarkova L. | Joint Russian and Bulgarian Academies of Sciences Database of intermolecular potentials and diffusion coefficients for components of the CVD processes in microelectronics |
72 | Aroyo M.I., de la Flor G., Madariagac G., Souvignier B. | Layer groups: Brillouin-zone and crystallographic databases on the Bilbao Crystallographic Server |
73 | Droniou C., Rubinstein M., Talbot-Besnard S. | Les banques de donnees. Hydrogen-data |
74 | Dietz W., Over H.H., Toth L., Wollfart E. | Mat-DB: A Web-Enabled Materials Database to Support European R&D Projects and Network Activities |
75 | Kim B.K., Rhyim Y.M. | Materials database project in Korea |
76 | Aykol M., Kirklin S., Meredig B., Saal J.E., Wolverton C. | Materials Design and Discovery with High-throughput Density Functional Theory: The Open Quantum Materials Database (OQMD) |
77 | Baba T. | Measurements and data of thermophysical properties traceable to a metrological standard |
78 | Hutter W., Mez-Starck B., Vogt J., Vogt N. | MOGADOC – a database for gasphase molecular spectroscopy and structure |
79 | Lohr A., Mez-Starck B., Schirdewahn H.G., Watson D.G. | MOGADOC (molecular gas-phase documentation) – an interactive computerized search/retrival system |
80 | Vogt J. | MOGADOC: A Bibliographic Numerical Resource for Gasphase Molecular Spectroscopy and Structure |
81 | Davies R.H., Dinsdale A.T., Gisby J.A., Martin S.M., Robinson J.A.J. | MTDATA - Thermodynamic and Phase Equilibrium Software from the National Physical Laboratory |
82 | Belsky A., Hellenbrandt M., Karen V.L., Luksch P. | New developments in the Inorganic Crystal Structure Database (ICSD): accessibility in support of materials research and design |
83 | Faber J., Fawcett T., Kabekkodu S.N. | New Powder Diffraction File (PDF-4) in relational database format: advantages and data-mining capabilities |
84 | Carr M.J., Chambers W.F., Himes V.L., Melgaard D., Mighell A.D., Stalick J. | NIST (Sandia) ICDD electron diffraction database: A database for phase identification by electron diffraction |
85 | Karen V.L., Mighell A.D. | NIST Crystallographic Databases for Research and Analysis |
86 | Karen V.L., Vanderah T.A. | NIST databases for inorganic-materials research |
87 | Munro R.G. | NIST Materials Properties Databases forAdvanced Ceramics |
88 | | NIST Standard Reference Database 88. NIST/TRC Ideal Gas Database. Version 2.0 .Users' Guide. Gaithersburg: NIST |
89 | Audi G., Bersillon O., Blachot J., Wapstra A.H. | NUBASE: a database of nuclear and decay properties |
90 | Ho C. Y., Li H.H. | Numerical databases on materials property data at CINDAS/Purdue University |
91 | Gough S.R., Rodgers J.R., Wood G.H. | Operation of an international data center: Canadian Scientific Numeric Database Service |
92 | Fujita M., Iwata S., Kano S., Kurihara Y., Nakajima R., Shimura K., Tachi Y., Tsuji H., Yokoyama N. | Present status of Data-Free-Way (distributed database system for advanced nuclear materials) |
93 | Bloxham J.C., Giles N.F., Knotts T.A., Redd M.E., Wilding W.V. | Proper Use of the DIPPR 801 Database for Creation of Models, Methods, and Processes |
94 | Heward M.S., Kline A.A., Mullins M.E., Rogers T.N., Trumbell M.R., Wells P.M., Whitten C.R., Zei D.A. | Quantitative review and delivery of reliable physical property data: development of DIPPR® Environ 2001TM database and estimation software |
95 | Bardeau J.-F., Borovin E., Cassetta M., Chateigner D., El Mendili Y., Gascoin S., Grazulis S., Hehlenh B., Kumar A., Le Gueni M., Lutterotti L., Mariotto G., Mathevet F., Merkys A., Orberger B., P | Raman Open Database: first interconnected Raman–X-ray diffraction open-access resource for material identification |
96 | Muller H., Rehme S., Ruehl S., Zagorac D., Zagorac J. | Recent developments in the Inorganic Crystal Structure Database: theoretical crystal structure data and related features |
97 | Komornicki S., Streiff R. | Relational data structure of the coating database from the "Coatings & High Temperature Corrosion Data Bank" |
98 | Bale C.W., Belisle E., Chartrand P., Decterov S.A., Eriksson G., Gheribi A.E., Hack K., Jung I.-H., Kang Y.-B., Melancon J., Pelton A. D., Petersen S., Robelin C., Sangster J., Spencer P.J., VanEn | Reprint of: FactSage thermochemical software and databases, 2010– 2016 |
99 | Ceder G., Jain A., Persson K.A. | Research Update: The Materials Genome Initiative: Data Sharing and the Impact of Collaborative ab initio Databases |
100 | Denley D.R., Hart H.V. | RINGS: a new search/match database for identification by polycrystalline electron diffraction |
101 | Dinsdale A.T. | SGTE data for pure elements |
102 | Kaji Y., Miwa Y., Nakajima R., Tsuji H., Tsukada T. | Status of JAERI material performance database (JMPD) and analysis of irradiation assisted stress corrosion cracking (IASCC) data |
103 | Adkins C., Bankhead M., Besmann T., Corcoran E., Costa D., Dumas J.C., Dupin N., Geiger E., Gosse S., Gueneau C., Hania R., Kennedy J.R., Kjellqvist L., Kurata M., Lee B.O., Ogata T., Piro M.H | TAF-ID: An international thermodynamic database for nuclear fuels applications |
104 | Downs R.T., Hall-Wallace M. | The American Mineralogist Crystal Structure Database |
105 | Watson D.G. | The Cambridge Structural Database (CSD): Current Activities and Future Plans |
106 | Allen F.H., Groom C.R. | The Cambridge Structural Database in Retrospect and Prospect |
107 | Allen F.H. | The Cambridge Structural Database: a quarter of a million crystal structures and rising |
108 | Chen X., Li X., Su H., Xie G., Yang C. | The development of a materials database in China |
109 | Allen F.H., Davies J.E., Galloy J.J., Johnson O., Kennard O., Macrae C.F., Mitchell E.M., Mitchell G.F., Smith M., Watson D.G. | The development of versions 3 and 4 of the Cambridge structural database system |
110 | Bergerhoff G., Brown I.D., Hundt R., Sievers R. | The Inorganic Crystal Structure Data Base |
111 | Hellenbrandt M. | The inorganic crystal structure database (ICSD) – present and future |
112 | Deplanque R., Lister P., Maass R., Nebel A., Olbrich G., Tolle U. | The Integrated Gmelin Information System New developments in information processing |
113 | Allmann R., Hinek R. | The introduction of structure types into the Inorganic Crystal Structure Database ICSD |
114 | Iwata S., Onodera N., Villars P. | The Linus Pauling file (LPF) and its application to materials design |
115 | Cholia S., Dagdelen J., Dwaraknath S., Horton M., Huck P., Jain A., Montoya J., Ong S.P., Persson K.A., Winston D., Zimmermann N.E.R. | The Materials Project: Accelerating Materials Design Through Theory-Driven Data and Tools |
116 | Effenberg G. | The MSIT® workplace, access to materials chemistry data and knowledge |
117 | Osthols E.E., Wanner H.H. | The NEA thermochemical data base project. OECD Nuclear Energy Agency |
118 | Boboshin I.N., Varlamov V.V. | The new ENSDF search system NESSY: IBM/PC nuclear spectroscopy database |
119 | Hermann K., Van Hove M. A., Watson P.R. | The NIST Surface Structure Database –SSD version 4 |
120 | Aykol M., Doak J.W., Kirklin S., Meredig B., Ruhl S., Saal J.E., Thompson A., Wolverton C. | The Open Quantum Materials Database (OQMD): assessing the accuracy of DFT formation energies |
121 | Blokhin E., Villars P. | The PAULING FILE Project and Materials Platform for Data Science: From Big Data Toward Materials Genome |
122 | Berndt M., Brandenburg K., Cenzual K., Daams J., Hulliger F., Iwata S., Massalski T., Okamoto H., Osaki K., Prince A., Putz H., Villars P. | The Pauling File, binaries edition |
123 | Faber J., Fawcett T. | The Powder Diffraction File: present and future |
124 | Andersson J.O., Jansson B., Sundman B. | The THERMO-CALC Databank system |
125 | Ishida K., Kainuma R., Liu X. J., Ohnuma I., Oikawa K. | The Use of Phase Diagrams and Thermodynamic Databases for Electronic Materials |
126 | Andersson J.O., Helander T., Hoglund L., Shi P., Sundman B. | THERMO-CALC & DICTRA, Computational Tools ForMaterials Science |
127 | Andersson J.O., Jansson B., Sundman B. | THERMO-CALC: a data bank for equilibria and phase diagram calculations |
128 | Chirico R.D., Diky V., Dong Q., Frenkel M., Muzny C., Yan X. | ThermoData Engine (TDE): Software Implementation of the Dynamic Data Evaluation Concept |
129 | Chirico R.D., Diky V., Frenkel M., Lemmon E.W., Muzny C. | ThermoData Engine (TDE): Software Implementation of the Dynamic Data Evaluation Concept. 2. Equations of State on Demand and Dynamic Updates over the Web |
130 | Chirico R.D., Diky V., Frenkel M., Kazakov A.F., Muzny C. | ThermoData Engine (TDE): Software Implementation of the Dynamic Data Evaluation Concept. 3. Binary Mixtures |
131 | Chirico R.D., Diky V., Frenkel M., Kazakov A.F., Muzny C. | ThermoData Engine (TDE): Software Implementation of the Dynamic Data Evaluation Concept. 4. Chemical Reactions |
132 | Abdulagatov I., Chirico R.D., Frenkel M., Kazakov A.F., Kroenlein K., Magee J.W., Muzny C. | ThermoData Engine (TDE): Software Implementation of the Dynamic Data Evaluation Concept. 6. Dynamic Web-Based Data Dissemination through the NIST Web Thermo Tables |
133 | Cheynet B. | THERMODATA: an integrated thermodynamic and inorganic physico-chemical information system |
134 | Morgunov K.G. | Thermodynamic Data Bank: The Principles, Organization, and Structure of Software |
135 | Pelton A. D. | Thermodynamic database development-modeling and phase diagram calculations in oxide systems |
136 | Ishida K., Liu X. J., Ohnuma I., Ohtani H. | Thermodynamic database for phase diagrams of micro-soldering alloys |
137 | Matsumoto T., Yamauchi S., Yokokawa H. | Thermodynamic Database MALT for Windows with gem and CHD |
138 | Matsumoto T., Yamauchi S., Yokokawa H. | Thermodynamic database MALT2 and its applications to high temperature materials chemistry |
139 | Ishida K., Kainuma R., Koyama T., Liu X. J., Ode M., Ohnuma I., Onodera H., Suzuki T., Wang C.P. | Thermodynamic database on microsolders and copper-based alloy systems |
140 | Bros J. P., Fouque Y., Gaune P., Gaune-Escard M., Hatem G., Juhem P. | THERMOSALT, une banque de donnees thermodynamiques coherentes pour les melanges de sels fondees |
141 | Byram S.K., Campana C.F., Fait J., Sparks R.A. | Using NIST Crystal Data Within Siemens Software for Four-Circle and SMART CCD Diffractometers |
142 | Kramer R., Vogt J., Vogt N. | Visualization and Substructure Retrieval Tools in the MOGADOC Database (Molecular Gasphase Documentation) |
143 | Bruno I.J., Cole J.C., Macrae C.F., Pidcock E., Thomas I.R., Wood P.A. | WebCSD: the online portal to the Cambridge Structural Database |
144 | Chirico R.D., Diky V., Dong Q., Frenkel M., Wilhoit R.C. | Windows-Based Guided Data Capture Software for Mass-Scale Thermophysical and Thermochemical Property Data Collection |
145 | Nagy M., Over H.H., Wollfart E. | XML related data exchange from the test machine to a web-enabled MAT-DB |
146 | Hart H.V. | ZONES: a search/match database for single-crystal electron diffraction |
147 | Балышева О.Л., Клудзин В.В., Смирнов Ю.Г. | База данных кварцеподобных материалов |
148 | Белокурова И.Н., Буш А.А., Дегтярев Ю.И., Киселева Н.Н., Петухов В. В., Подбельский В., Пушко В.А., Шеханова О.В. | База данных по свойствам кристаллов акустооптических, электрооптических и нелинейнооптических веществ, доступная из Internet |
149 | Беликов В.В., Вабищевич Н.П., Вабищевич П.Н., Катышков Ю.В., Мосунова Н.А. | База данных по свойствам материалов |
150 | Дударев В.А., Земсков В.С., Киселева Н.Н., Мурат Д., Подбельский В., Столяренко А. | База данных по свойствам тройных неорганических соединений «Фазы» в сети Интернет |
151 | Белокурова И.Н., Земсков В.С., Киселева Н.Н., Подбельский В., Хорбенко В.В., Христофоров Ю.И. | База данных по фазовым диаграммам полупроводниковых систем с доступом из Интернет |
152 | Белокурова И.Н., Земсков В.С., Киселев Н.Н., Киселева Н.Н., Кравченко Н.В., Петухов В. В., Черемушкин Е.А., Шелимова Л.Е. | Банк данных по фазовым диаграммам полупроводниковых систем "ДИАГРАММА" |
153 | Кузнецова Л.А., Пазюк Е. А., Столяров А.В. | Банк данных РАДЭН. Радиационные и энергетические характеристики двухатомных молекул |
154 | Земсков В.С., Кузнецов Ф.А., Уфимцев В.Б. | Банки данных по полупроводниковым и другим материалам электронной техники и процессам их получения |
155 | Гусаров В.В., Мазурин О.В. | Будущее информационных технологий в материаловедении |
156 | Девятых Г.Г., Карпов Ю.А., Осипова Л.И. | Выставка-коллекция веществ особой чистоты. М.: Наука |
157 | Гурвич Л.В. | ИВТАНТЕРМО – автоматизированная система данных о термодинамических свойствах веществ |
158 | Дударев В.А. | Интеграция информационных систем в области неорганической химии и материаловедения. М.: URSS |
159 | Дударев В.А., Земсков В.С., Киселева Н.Н. | Интегрированная система баз данных по свойствам материалов для электроники |
160 | Белоножко А.Б., Докина Т.Н., Лопатин А.Л., Самохвалова О.Л., Ушаковская Т.В., Чичагов А.В., Шилова З.В. | Информационно-вычислительная система по кристаллическим данным минералов (Минкрист) |
161 | Девятых Г.Г., Ковалев И.Д., Крылов В.А., Малышев К.К., Осипова Л.И. | Информационно-расчетная система «Высокочистые вещества и материалы» |
162 | Зицерман В.Ю., Кобзев Г.А., Фокин Л.Р. | Информационный конвейер для справочных данных о теплофизических свойствах веществ |
163 | Киселева Н.Н. | Компьютерное конструирование неорганических соединений. Использование баз данных и методов искусственного интеллекта. М.: Наука |
164 | Борисов С.В., Ипатова Е.Н., Кузнецов Ф.А., Магарилл С.А., Подберезская Н.В., Титов В.А. | Кристаллические структуры неорганических веществ – база количественных данных. Принципы построения и опыт эксплуатации |
165 | Варламов Д.А., Чичагов А.В. | Кристаллографическая и кристаллохимическая база данных для минералов и их структурных аналогов (WWW-МИНКРИСТ) |
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167 | Поцайт В. | Последние разработки для выбора и оптимизации свойств материалов |
168 | Бацылев Ф., Василенко Е., Мещерякова Т., Порысева Е. | Проблемно-ориентированная фактографическая база данных по нанокомпозитам |
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173 | Трахтенгерц М.С. | Технология подготовки информации для баз данных в обменном формате ISO 2709 |
174 | Калашников А.Н., Фокин Л.Р. | Транспортные свойства смеси разреженных газов N2-H2 в базе данных ЭПИДИФ |