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Database List

Name (Abbreviation)
1DB on inorganic compounds properties (Phases)
2DB on semiconducting systems phase diagrams (Diagram)
3DB on substances with significant acousto-optical, electro-optical and nonlinear-optical properties (Crystal)
4DB on inorganic substances forbidden zone width (Bandgap)
5DB on chemical elements properties (Elements)
6DB on properties of materials for electronics (SMET)
7DB on thermodynamic properties of individual substances (TKV)
8Inorganic Crystal Structure Database (ICSD)
9NIST/Sandia/ICDD Electron Diffraction Database ()
10NIST Crystal Data (CD)
11NIST WWW High Temperature Superconductors DB (WebHTS)
12NIST Structural Ceramics DB (NISTCERAM)
13ACerS-NIST Phase Equilibria Diagrams DB ()
14DB on thermodynamic properties of inorganic and organic substances (NISTTHERMO)
15NIST/TRC Ideal Gas DB ()
16NIST Ionic Liquids DB (IL Thermo)
17NIST Thermodynamic and Transport Properties of Pure Fluids DB (NISTFLUIDS)
18DB on Thermochemical Properties for organic compounds with two or fewer carbons (JANAF)
19NIST Chemical Kinetics DB ()
20Surface Structure DB (SSD)
22NIST Structural DB ()
23DB of the Thermophysical Properties of Gases Used in the Semiconductor Industry ()
24NIST/EPA Gas-Phase Infrared DB ()
25Metals and Alloys Crystallographic DB (CRYSTMET)
26Crystallographic and Crystallochemical DB for Mineral and their Structural Analogues (MINCRYST)
27DB on organic and inorganic new crystal structures (NEWCRYST)
28Inorganic Material DB (AtomWork)
29MSI-Phase Diagram Centre (MSIT-PDC)
30Powder Diffraction File (PDF)
31Cambridge Structural Database (CSD)
32DB on physical-chemical properties of high-purity substances ()
33DB on thermodynamic properties of inorganic substances (THERMODATA)
34DB on thermodynamic properties of inorganic substances (THERMALLOY)
35Software/data package for the calculation of phase equilibria and thermodynamic properties in multicomponent multiphase systems (MTDATA)
36DB on thermodynamic properties of inorganic substances (THERMCOMP)
37DB on thermodynamic properties of molten salts mixtures (THERMOSALT)
38DB on coatings and high temperature corrosion (C and HTC-DATA)
39DB for calculations in the field of gaseous dynamics (AVOGADRO)
40Thermophysical and Thermochemical Property DB (JICST TH)
41DB on Thermophysical Properties of Pure Substances & Mixtures (DETHERM)
42DB on thermophysical properties of industrial important chemicals (DIPPR)
43DB on radiative and energetic properties of diatomic molecules (РАДЕН)
44Thermophysical Properties of Matter DB (TPRC/TPMD)
45DB on thermodynamic properties of inorganic substances (SGTE)
46Thermodynamic DB and special software (THERMO-CALC)
47Gmelin-Online Datensystem ()
48MOlecular GAsphase DOCumentation DB (MOGADOC)
49Electronic Materials Information Service (EMIS)
50Software for calculation of physical, thermodynamic and transport properties and, the phase equilibrium of pure components and mixtures and DB on thermophysical properties of fluids (liquids and gases) (PPDS)
51DB for superconducting materials (SUPERCON)
52ASM Materials Information Online (ASMDATA)
53Bibliographic DB of the world's literature on copper, copper alloys and copper technology (COPPERDATA)
54Alloy DB for Micro-Solders (ADAMIS)
55Information system of rare earths ()
56DB on amorphous materials ()
57DB on thermophysical properties of solids (THERSYST-THERPRO)
58Materials Database System WIAM ()
59DB on properties of materials with hydrogen (HYDROGENE DATA)
60DB on physical properties of alloys for nuclear power engineering ()
61DB on properties of luminophors ()
62Microelectronics Packaging Materials Database (MPMD)
63DB on Intermolecular Potentials and Diffusion Coefficients for Components of the CVD Processes in Microelectronics (EPIDIF)
64NRIM Creep Data Sheets (NRIM CDS)
65DB on physical and mechanical properties of ferrous and non-ferrous metals (MATADOR)
66DB of Material Properties for Mechanical Engineering (DMPME)
67Alloy Phase Diagram data ()
68DB on thermodynamic properties of minerals and related substances (THERM PROP)
69DB on properties and specifications for aluminum alloys and products (AAASD)
70DB on fatigue related data for crack initiation and propagation (nSOFT FATIMAS MDM)
71Materials Safety Data Sheets ()
72DB on materials manufactured in Russia (GOSMATERIALBANK)
73DB on physical and mechanical characteristics of engineering materials (CETIM-BDM)
74Advanced Ceramics DB (ACDB)
75Glass DB on compositions and properties (INTERGLAD)
76NRIM-JICST Materials Strength Database ()
77Materials DB for mechanical and physical properties data of engineering alloys (MAT-DB)
78DB on Optical Materials Properties ()
79DB on Fatigue Strength of Metallic Materials (FASMET)
80DB on Fatigue Crack Growth Rates of Metallic Materials (CRAMET)
81Material Strength DB for Reliability Design of Machines and Structures (MSDRD)
82DB on springs (JSSR DB)
83DB of Phase Transitions in Crystals with a Single Phase Transition (SPTD1)
84JAERI Material Performance Database (JMPD)
85Thermochemical DB (NEA-TDB)
86DB on thermodynamical properties of inorganic substances (Facility for the Analysis of Chemical Thermodynamics) (F*A*C*T)
87Aluminum Fracture Toughness DB (ALFRAC)
88Ceramic Abstracts/World Ceramics Abstracts (CERAB)
89DB on Toughness of Marine Steels (MARTUF)
90Metals Data File (MDF)
91DB of creep and rupture stress properties for aluminum alloys and steels (METALCREEP)
92Thermo-physical Property Prediction System for Composite (CompoTherm)
93Database System for Electronic Structures (CompES-X)
94Welding DB (CCT DB)
95Nuclear Materials Database (Data-Free-Way)
96Structural Materials DB ()
97Database System for Pressure Vessel Materials ()
98Diffusion DB ()
99DB on thermophysical properties of pure substancies (THERMAL)
100DB on the intermolecular potentials and transport properties for rarefied neutral gases (EPIBIB)
101Computational Phase Diagram Database (CPDDB) ()
102Materials-oriented Little Thermodynamic Database for Personal Computers (MALT2)
103DB on Phase Diagrams (FactSage)
104Database of Zeolite Structures ()
105Glass property DB (SciGlass)
106DB on Fatigue of Steels (Fatigue DB)
107DB on mechanical properties of metal and ceramic materials ()
108DB on materials strength and life prediction system for engineering (DIMS)
109Functional Ceramic Materials Database ()
110DB of incommensurate phases ()
111DB of nuclear and decay properties (NUBASE)
112Evaluated Nuclear Structure Data File (ENSDF)
113High Magnetic Field Engineering and Cryogenics Database ()
114DB on nano-composites ()
115Thermophysical Property Data System (TPDS)
116Metals Bank ()
117Ceramics Bank ()
118DB on open-framework aluminophosphate syntheses ()
119DB on quartz-like materials ()
120Software and data package for the calculation of phase equilibria and thermodynamic properties in minerals ()
121Materials properties repository from ab initio calculations (AFLOWLIB.ORG)
122Bilbao Crystallographic Server ()
123Crystallography Open Database (COD)
124American mineralogist crystallographic database ()
125DB of Computation-Ready 2D Zeolitic Slabs ()
126Materials Platform for Data Science (MPDS)
127Raman Open Database (ROD)
128DB of novel magnetic materials (Novamag)
129DB on thermodynamic properties of materials for nuclear power (NUCLEA)
130DB on thermodynamic properties of substances (ThermoChimie)
131Nuclear Materials Thermo-physical Property DB (THERPRO)
132DB on the properties of materials used in nuclear energetics ()
133Materials Project (MP)
134UCSB-MRL Thermoelectric Database ()
135The Open Quantum Materials Database (OQMD)
136An international thermodynamic database for nuclear fuels applications (TAF-ID)
137A database of new zeolite-like materials ()
138Acousto-optics DB ()
139DB of thermoelectric materials ()
140DB on Materials Properties (Total Materia)
141Consolidated database of high entropy materials (COD’HEM)

Records found: 141.

Database developers list with corresponding countries

Name (Abbreviation)Country
1 (DECHEMA )Germany
2НПО "Люминофор” ()Russia
3Физико-энергетический институт ()Russia
4A.A.Baikov Institute of Metallurgy and Materials Science of Russian Academy of Sciences (IMET RAS)Russia
5A.V.Nikolaev Institute of Inorganic Chemistry of Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences (NIIC SB RAS)Russia
6All-Russia Research Center of Standardization of Information and Certification of Materials of Gosstandart Russia (VNITS SMV)Russia
7Aluminum Association ()USA
8American Ceramic Society (ACerS)USA
9American Society for Metals International (ASM)USA
10Arizona State University ()USA
11ASM International ()USA
12Basque Centre for Materials. Applications and Nanostructures (BCMaterials)Spain
13Brookhaven National Laboratory (BNL)USA
14Cambridge Crystallographic Data Centre (CCDC)England
15Cambridge Scientific Abstracts ()USA
16Cenfre de Spectrometrie Nucleaire et de Spectrometrie de Masse (CSNSM)France
17Center for Information and Numerical Data Analysis and Synthesis of Purdue University (CINDAS)USA
18Centre de Recherche en Calcul Thermochimique / Centre for Research in Computational Thermochemistry (Universite de Montreal) (CRCT)Canada
19Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique /Centre d’Etudes de Chimie Metallurgique (CNRS/CECM)France
20Centre Technique des Industries Mecaniques Centre d’Information Technologique (CETIM)France
21Changchun Institute of Applied Chemistry of Academia Sinica (CIAC)China
22Clemson University ()USA
23Copper Development Association, Inc. ()USA
24D.Mendeleev University of Chemical Technology of Russia (MUCTR)Russia
25Department for Integrated Sensor Systems.Danube University Krems ()Austria
26Department of Civil Engineering.Universidad de Burgos ()Spain
27Department of Materials and Geosciences.TU Darmstadt ()Germany
28Department of Physics and Astronomy.Uppsala University ()Sweden
29Design Institute for Physical Property Data (DIPPR)USA
30Duke University ()USA
31Ecole Polytechnic de Montreal ()Canada
32ERAMET ()France
33Fachinformationszentrum Karlsruhe (FIZ Karlsruhe)Germany
34Foundation International Center for Advanced Materials and Raw Materials of Castillay Leon (ICAMCyL)Spain
35French National Radioactive Waste Management Agency (Andra)France
36Gmelin Institute for Inorganic Chemistry ()Germany
37Hanyang University ()South Korea
38IMA Materialforschung und Anwendungstechnik GmbH ()Germany
39Imperial College London ()England
40Institute for Nuclear Energy and Energy Systems of University of Stuttgart ()Germany
41Institute of Chemistry of High-Purity Substances of the Russian Academy of Sciences (ICPS RAS)Russia
42Institute of Electrical Engineers ()England
43Institute of Experimental Mineralogy of Russian Academy of Sciences (IEM RAS)Russia
44Institute of Low Temperature and Structural Research of PAN ()Poland
45Institute of mechanics of Lomonosov Moscow state university ()Russia
46International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)Austria
47International Center for Diffraction Data (ICDD)USA
48International Research Center in Critical Raw Materials and Advanced Industrial Technologies,Universidad de Burgos (ICCRAM)Spain
49International Zeolite Association (IZA)
51Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute (JAERI)Japan
52Japan Information Center of Science and Technology (JICST)Japan
53Japan Nuclear Cycle Development Institute (JNC)Japan
54Japan Science and Technology Corporation (JST)Japan
55Japan Society of Calorimetry and Thermal Analysis ()Japan
56Jilin University ()China
57Joint Institute for High Temperatures of RAS (JIHT RAS)Russia
58Joint Research Centre of the European Commission Institute Energy ()Netherlands
59Keio University ()Japan
60Key to Metals AG ()Switzerland
61Korea Institute of Ceramic Engineering and Technology (KICET)South Korea
62Korea Institute of Materials Science (KIMS)South Korea
63Korea Research Institute of Chemical Technology (KRICT)South Korea
64Le Mans Universite ()France
65Material Phases Data System (MPDS)Switzerland
66Materials Genome Initiative (MGI)USA
67Materials Platform for Data Science OU (MPDS)Estonia
68Materials Science Int. Services, GmbH ()Germany
69McGill University ()Canada
70Moscow State University (MSU)Russia
71Motoren und Turbinen Union Munchen GmbH ()Germany
72National Agency for Radioactive Waste Management (Ondraf/Niras)Belgium
73National Engineering Laboratory (NEL)England
74National Instintte of Nuclear Physics and High-Energy Physics (NIKHEF-K)Netherlands
75National Institute of Materials Science (NIMS)Japan
76National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST)USA
77National Materials Property Data Network Inc. ()USA
78National Metrology Institute of Japan ()Japan
79National Physical Laboratory (NPL)England
80National Research Institute for Metals (NRIM)Japan
81nCode International Ltd ()England
82New Glass Forum (NGF)Japan
83Normandie Universite ()France
84Northeast Normal University ()China
85Northwestern University ()USA
86Nuclear Energy Agency (NEA)France
87Nuclear Safety Institute of the Russian Academy of Science (IBRAE RAS)Russia
88Oldenbourgh Verlag ()Germany
89Organization for Economic Co-operative Development Nuclear Energy Agency (OECD/NEA)International
90Regional Research Laboratory ()India
91Ritsumeikan University ()Japan
92Saint Petersburg State University of Aerospace Instrumentation (ГУАП)Russia
93Sandia National Laboratories ()USA
94School of Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering, Georgia Institute of Technology ()USA
95School of Science and Technology.Orebro University ()Sweden
96Scientific Group Thermodata Europe (SGTE)EU
97Service de Physique et Techniques Nucleaires ()France
98Shanghai Research Institute of Materials ()China
99Sobolev Institute of Geology and Mineralogy, Siberian Division, Russian Academy of Sciences (IGM SB RAS)Russia
100The Materials Properties Council (MPC)USA
101The Society of Materials Science ()Japan
102Thermex Company ()Russia
103Thermo-Calc Software Inc. ()Sweden
104THERMODATA ()France
105Tohoku University ()Japan
106TOTH Information Systems, Inc. ()Canada
107Tsinghua University ()China
108U S Geological Survey National Center for Thermodynamic Data of Minerals ()USA
109Universidad del Pais Vasco ()Spain
110Universite Catholique de Louvain ()Belgium
111Universite d’Orleans ()France
112Universite de Provence ()France
113Universite Montpellier 2 ()France
114Universite Paris-Saclay ()France
115University College London ()England
116University of Arizona ()USA
117University of California,Santa Barbara (UCSB)USA
118University of London ()England
119University of Trento ()Italy
120University of Ulm ()Germany
121University of Verona ()Italy
122Vilnius University ()Lithuania
123VSB Tech Univ Ostrava.IT4Innovations ()Czech Republic

Records found: 123.

Key words

acousto-electronics acousto-optical activity coefficient alkaline alloy aluminophosphate aluminum amorphous atomic weight bandgap boiling point Brillouin-zone Brillouin-zone caloric caloric ceramics chemical coatings cobalt composite conductivity electrical copper corrosive crack creep critical magnetic field critical temperature of transition to the superconducting state crystal structural crystal structure type crystal system Curie point decomposition temperature density dielectric constant dielectric losses diffusion elastic elastic coefficients elastic wave attenuation elastic wave velocity elasto-optical coefficient electrical electroceramic material electrochemical electron diffraction electronegativity electronic electronic structure electro-optical energetic energy ionization enthalpy enthalpy atomization enthalpy melting entropy falammability fatigue ferrous metals forbidden zone width framework composition gas dynamics gas-phase Gibbs energy glass Hall effect hardness heat capacity high entropy high-purity hydrogen impurity distribution coefficient incommensurate phase inorganic compound interatomic potential intermolecular potential ion diffusion kinetic lattice parameter luminescent magnesium magnetic magnetic susceptibility mechanical melting point metal Miller coefficients mineral modulus compression modulus Young molecular beam molecular spectroscopy molecular weight nano-composite neutral gas nickel non-ferrous metals nonlinear optical nuclear nuclear fuel nuclide optical organic template oxide permittivity phase diagram physical piezoelectric piezo-optical coefficient pig iron porosity powder power factor quantum mechanical calculations quartz radiative radius Raman spectra refractive index rupture rupture rupture stress safety salt Seebeck coefficient Sellmeier coefficients semiconducting silicon single crystal solubility space group spectra spring steel strength structure dimension superconducting surface tension temperature Debye tensility thermal conductivity thermal expansion thermodynamical thermoelectric thermoelectromotive thermophysical titanium toughness toxicity transparency band transport viscosity wear welding zeolite zinc

Records found: 155.

List of literature references

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2Castanet R., Jaroma-Weiland G., Neuer G., Zahra A.M., Zahra C.Y.A databank for Thermophysical properties of light metals alloys
3Neumann D.B., Wang P.A Database and Retrieval System for the NBS Tables of Chemical Thermodynamic Properties
4Caracas R.A database of incommensurate phases
5Cheeseman P.A., Deem M.W., Pophale R.A database of new zeolite-like materials
6Chang H., Na G.S.A public database of thermoelectric materials and system-identified material representation for data-driven discovery
7Buongiorno-Nardelli M., Curtarolo S., Levy O., Rose F., Taylor R.H., Toher C., Yang K.A RESTful API for exchanging materials data in the consortium
8Gankin Y., Mazurin O.V.About testing the reliability of glass property data in binary systems
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19Aidhy D., Barr E., Singh M.Consolidated database of high entropy materials (COD’HEM): An open online database of high entropy materials
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21Sakai T.Construction of materials databases and their useful application in the Society of Materials Science, Japan (JSMS)
22Bruno I., Grazulis S., Helliwell J.R., Kabekkodu S.N., McMahon B., Westbrook J.Crystallography and Databases
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24Butkus J., Chateigner D., Downs R.T., Grazulis S., Le Bail A., Lutterotti L., Manakova E., Moeck P., Quiros M., Yokochi A.F.T.Crystallography Open Database – an open-access collection of crystal structures
25Gough S.R., Rodgers J.R., Villars P., Wood G.H.CRYSTMET – The NRCC metals crystallographic data file
26Le Page Y., Rodgers J.R., White P.S.CRYSTMET: a database of the structures and powder patterns of metals and intermetallics
27Bergerhoff G.Data base for inorganic crystal structures
28Buchsbaum C., Hohler-Schlimm S., Rehme S.Data Bases, the Base for Data Mining
29Asada Y., Kurihara Y., Nakada E., Yokokawa T., Yoshikawa A.Database for materials design of multi-layered superconductors
30Knio O., Medford A.J., Nair S., Sholl D.S.Database of Computation-Ready 2D Zeolitic Slabs
31Arapan S., Barandiaran J.M., DelBrio N.L., Echevarria-Bonet C., Eriksson O., Gutfleisch O., Herper H.C., Kovacs A., Marticorena-Sanchez R., Maudes-Raedo J., Nieves P., Salazar D., Schrefl T., Serrano-LopeDatabase of novel magnetic materials for high-performance permanent magnet development
32Li J.-Y., Qi M., Xu R.-R., Yan Y., Yu J.-H., Zhang X.Database of open-framework aluminophosphate syntheses: introduction and application (I)
33Dudarev V.A., Kiselyova N.N., Korzhuev M.A.Database on bandgaps of inorganic substances and materials
34Bonificio W.D., Borg C.K.H., Clarke D.R., Gaultois M.W., Seshadri R., Sparks T.D.Data-Driven Review of Thermoelectric Materials: Performance and Resource Considerations
35Gankin Y., Mazurin O.V.Determination of the most reliable glass property values by the SciGlass information system
36Droge T., Sass R., Westhaus U.DETHERM – a thermophysical property database
37Ashino T., Fujita M., Kaji Y., Mashiko S., Miyakawa S., Shimura K., Tsuji H., Xu Y., Yoshida K.Development of a knowledge based system linked to a materials database
38Wang H., Xu Y., Yagi K., Yamazaki M.Development of an Internet system for composite design and thermophysical property prediction
39Bilbao y Leon S., Jo S., Kim J., Kim Y.Development of an Online Nuclear Materials Thermo-physical Property Database (THERPRO)
40Baba T., Yagi T., Yamashita Y.Development of Network Database System for Thermophysical Property Data of Thin Films
41Ishida K., Kainuma R., Liu X. J., Ohnuma I., Wang C.P.Development of thermodynamic and kinetic databases in micro-soldering alloy systems and their applications
42Spencer P.J.Development of thermodynamic databases and their relevance for the solution of technical problems
43Palmer D.A.DIPPR – an improbable success
44Oscarson J.L., Rowley R.L., Wilding W.V.DIPPR Project 801 evaluated process design data
45Dewan A.K.R., Dong Q., Marsh K.N.DIPPR Project 882: Transport Properties and Related Thermodynamic Data for Binary Mixtures
46Larsen A.H., Thomson G.H.DIPPR: Satisfying Industry Data Needs
47Drago V.J., Kaufman J.G.Direct access to material properties for modeling and simulation
48Bale C.W., Chartrand P., Degterov S.A., Eriksson G., Hack K., Mahfoud B., Melancon J., Pelton A. D., Petersen S.FactSage Thermochemical Software and Databases
49Bale C.W., Belisle E., Chartrand P., Decterov S.A., Eriksson G., Hack K., Jung I.-H., Kang Y.-B., Pelton A. D., Petersen S., Robelin C.FactSage thermochemical software and databases - recent developments
50Bale C.W., Belisle E., Chartrand P., Decterov S.A., Eriksson G., Gheribi A.E., Hack K., Jung I.-H., Kang Y.-B., Melancon J., Pelton A. D., Petersen S., Robelin C., Sangster J., Spencer P.J., VanEnFactSage thermochemical software and databases, 2010–2016
51Akiyama Y., Itoh T., Kawazoe Y., Mori N., Nakanomyo T., Tsai A.P., Wada S.Factual database on amorphous materials
52Eriguchi K., Shimura K.Factual Databases for Materials Design and Manufacturing
53Baba T., Nagashima A., Yamashita Y.Function Sharing and Systematic Collaboration between a Networking Database System and Printed Media on Thermophysical Properties Data
54Alford N.McN., Axelsson A.-K., Chen L., Coveney P.V., Evans J.R.G., Fearn S., Kilner J.A., Manos S., Pullar R.C., Rossiny J.C.H., Scott D.J., Sebastian M.T., Yang S., Zhang Y.Functional Ceramic Materials Database: An Online Resource for Materials Research
55Buck E., Frankl E.M.Gaps in the pure component experimental physical property data base
56Mazurin O.V.Glass properties: compilation, evaluation, and prediction
57Mazurin O.V., Priven A.I.Glass Property Databases: Their History, Present State, and Prospects for Further Development
58Frenkel M.Global Information Systems in Science: Application to the Field of Thermodynamics
59Kloffer M.Gmelin-Online Datensystem. Ablauf der dezentralen Datenerfassung fur das Gmelin-Online-System von der Diskette zur Datenbank
60Droniou C., Fromageau R.Hydrogen-data. Numerical and factual data bank about hydrogen-material interaction
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62Bakardjieva S., Barrachin M., Bechta S., Bottomley D., Brissoneau L., Cheynet B., Fischer E., Journeau C., Kiselova M., Mezentseva L., Piluso P., Wiss T.Improvement of the European thermodynamic database NUCLEA
63NonameInformationszentrum fur Werkstoffanwendung
64Fluck E.Inorganic Crystal Structure Database (ICSD)and Standardized Data and Crystal ChemicalCharacterization of Inorganic StructureTypes (TYPIX)—Two Tools for InorganicChemists and Crystallographers
65Villars P., Xu Y., Yamazaki M.Inorganic Materials Database for Exploring the Nature of Material
66Iwata S., Дударев В.А., Земсков В.С., Киселева Н.Н., Прокошев И.В., Хорбенко В.В.Integration Principles of Russian and Japanese Databases on Inorganic Materials
67Fabry J., Janovec V., Kluiber Z., Richterova L., Tomaszewski P.E.Inverse Database of Phase Transitions in Crystals with a Single Phase Transition
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70Hubbard C.R., McMurdie H.F., Mighell A.D., Wong-Ng W.JCPDS-ICDD Research Associateship (Cooperative Program with NBS/NIST)
71Fokin L., Kalashnikov A., Petkov I., Pirgov P., Popov V., Zarkova L.Joint Russian and Bulgarian Academies of Sciences Database of intermolecular potentials and diffusion coefficients for components of the CVD processes in microelectronics
72Aroyo M.I., de la Flor G., Madariagac G., Souvignier B.Layer groups: Brillouin-zone and crystallographic databases on the Bilbao Crystallographic Server
73Droniou C., Rubinstein M., Talbot-Besnard S.Les banques de donnees. Hydrogen-data
74Dietz W., Over H.H., Toth L., Wollfart E.Mat-DB: A Web-Enabled Materials Database to Support European R&D Projects and Network Activities
75Kim B.K., Rhyim Y.M.Materials database project in Korea
76Aykol M., Kirklin S., Meredig B., Saal J.E., Wolverton C.Materials Design and Discovery with High-throughput Density Functional Theory: The Open Quantum Materials Database (OQMD)
77Baba T.Measurements and data of thermophysical properties traceable to a metrological standard
78Hutter W., Mez-Starck B., Vogt J., Vogt N.MOGADOC – a database for gasphase molecular spectroscopy and structure
79Lohr A., Mez-Starck B., Schirdewahn H.G., Watson D.G.MOGADOC (molecular gas-phase documentation) – an interactive computerized search/retrival system
80Vogt J.MOGADOC: A Bibliographic Numerical Resource for Gasphase Molecular Spectroscopy and Structure
81Davies R.H., Dinsdale A.T., Gisby J.A., Martin S.M., Robinson J.A.J.MTDATA - Thermodynamic and Phase Equilibrium Software from the National Physical Laboratory
82Belsky A., Hellenbrandt M., Karen V.L., Luksch P.New developments in the Inorganic Crystal Structure Database (ICSD): accessibility in support of materials research and design
83Faber J., Fawcett T., Kabekkodu S.N.New Powder Diffraction File (PDF-4) in relational database format: advantages and data-mining capabilities
84Carr M.J., Chambers W.F., Himes V.L., Melgaard D., Mighell A.D., Stalick J.NIST (Sandia) ICDD electron diffraction database: A database for phase identification by electron diffraction
85Karen V.L., Mighell A.D.NIST Crystallographic Databases for Research and Analysis
86Karen V.L., Vanderah T.A.NIST databases for inorganic-materials research
87Munro R.G.NIST Materials Properties Databases forAdvanced Ceramics
88NIST Standard Reference Database 88. NIST/TRC Ideal Gas Database. Version 2.0 .Users' Guide. Gaithersburg: NIST
89Audi G., Bersillon O., Blachot J., Wapstra A.H.NUBASE: a database of nuclear and decay properties
90Ho C. Y., Li H.H.Numerical databases on materials property data at CINDAS/Purdue University
91Gough S.R., Rodgers J.R., Wood G.H.Operation of an international data center: Canadian Scientific Numeric Database Service
92Fujita M., Iwata S., Kano S., Kurihara Y., Nakajima R., Shimura K., Tachi Y., Tsuji H., Yokoyama N.Present status of Data-Free-Way (distributed database system for advanced nuclear materials)
93Bloxham J.C., Giles N.F., Knotts T.A., Redd M.E., Wilding W.V.Proper Use of the DIPPR 801 Database for Creation of Models, Methods, and Processes
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101Dinsdale A.T.SGTE data for pure elements
102Kaji Y., Miwa Y., Nakajima R., Tsuji H., Tsukada T.Status of JAERI material performance database (JMPD) and analysis of irradiation assisted stress corrosion cracking (IASCC) data
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105Watson D.G.The Cambridge Structural Database (CSD): Current Activities and Future Plans
106Allen F.H., Groom C.R.The Cambridge Structural Database in Retrospect and Prospect
107Allen F.H.The Cambridge Structural Database: a quarter of a million crystal structures and rising
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114Iwata S., Onodera N., Villars P.The Linus Pauling file (LPF) and its application to materials design
115Cholia S., Dagdelen J., Dwaraknath S., Horton M., Huck P., Jain A., Montoya J., Ong S.P., Persson K.A., Winston D., Zimmermann N.E.R.The Materials Project: Accelerating Materials Design Through Theory-Driven Data and Tools
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118Boboshin I.N., Varlamov V.V.The new ENSDF search system NESSY: IBM/PC nuclear spectroscopy database
119Hermann K., Van Hove M. A., Watson P.R.The NIST Surface Structure Database –SSD version 4
120Aykol M., Doak J.W., Kirklin S., Meredig B., Ruhl S., Saal J.E., Thompson A., Wolverton C.The Open Quantum Materials Database (OQMD): assessing the accuracy of DFT formation energies
121Blokhin E., Villars P.The PAULING FILE Project and Materials Platform for Data Science: From Big Data Toward Materials Genome
122Berndt M., Brandenburg K., Cenzual K., Daams J., Hulliger F., Iwata S., Massalski T., Okamoto H., Osaki K., Prince A., Putz H., Villars P.The Pauling File, binaries edition
123Faber J., Fawcett T.The Powder Diffraction File: present and future
124Andersson J.O., Jansson B., Sundman B.The THERMO-CALC Databank system
125Ishida K., Kainuma R., Liu X. J., Ohnuma I., Oikawa K.The Use of Phase Diagrams and Thermodynamic Databases for Electronic Materials
126Andersson J.O., Helander T., Hoglund L., Shi P., Sundman B.THERMO-CALC & DICTRA, Computational Tools ForMaterials Science
127Andersson J.O., Jansson B., Sundman B.THERMO-CALC: a data bank for equilibria and phase diagram calculations
128Chirico R.D., Diky V., Dong Q., Frenkel M., Muzny C., Yan X.ThermoData Engine (TDE): Software Implementation of the Dynamic Data Evaluation Concept
129Chirico R.D., Diky V., Frenkel M., Lemmon E.W., Muzny C.ThermoData Engine (TDE): Software Implementation of the Dynamic Data Evaluation Concept. 2. Equations of State on Demand and Dynamic Updates over the Web
130Chirico R.D., Diky V., Frenkel M., Kazakov A.F., Muzny C.ThermoData Engine (TDE): Software Implementation of the Dynamic Data Evaluation Concept. 3. Binary Mixtures
131Chirico R.D., Diky V., Frenkel M., Kazakov A.F., Muzny C.ThermoData Engine (TDE): Software Implementation of the Dynamic Data Evaluation Concept. 4. Chemical Reactions
132Abdulagatov I., Chirico R.D., Frenkel M., Kazakov A.F., Kroenlein K., Magee J.W., Muzny C.ThermoData Engine (TDE): Software Implementation of the Dynamic Data Evaluation Concept. 6. Dynamic Web-Based Data Dissemination through the NIST Web Thermo Tables
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134Morgunov K.G.Thermodynamic Data Bank: The Principles, Organization, and Structure of Software
135Pelton A. D.Thermodynamic database development-modeling and phase diagram calculations in oxide systems
136Ishida K., Liu X. J., Ohnuma I., Ohtani H.Thermodynamic database for phase diagrams of micro-soldering alloys
137Matsumoto T., Yamauchi S., Yokokawa H.Thermodynamic Database MALT for Windows with gem and CHD
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139Ishida K., Kainuma R., Koyama T., Liu X. J., Ode M., Ohnuma I., Onodera H., Suzuki T., Wang C.P.Thermodynamic database on microsolders and copper-based alloy systems
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141Byram S.K., Campana C.F., Fait J., Sparks R.A.Using NIST Crystal Data Within Siemens Software for Four-Circle and SMART CCD Diffractometers
142Kramer R., Vogt J., Vogt N.Visualization and Substructure Retrieval Tools in the MOGADOC Database (Molecular Gasphase Documentation)
143Bruno I.J., Cole J.C., Macrae C.F., Pidcock E., Thomas I.R., Wood P.A.WebCSD: the online portal to the Cambridge Structural Database
144Chirico R.D., Diky V., Dong Q., Frenkel M., Wilhoit R.C.Windows-Based Guided Data Capture Software for Mass-Scale Thermophysical and Thermochemical Property Data Collection
145Nagy M., Over H.H., Wollfart E.XML related data exchange from the test machine to a web-enabled MAT-DB
146Hart H.V.ZONES: a search/match database for single-crystal electron diffraction
147Балышева О.Л., Клудзин В.В., Смирнов Ю.Г.База данных кварцеподобных материалов
148Белокурова И.Н., Буш А.А., Дегтярев Ю.И., Киселева Н.Н., Петухов В. В., Подбельский В., Пушко В.А., Шеханова О.В.База данных по свойствам кристаллов акустооптических, электрооптических и нелинейнооптических веществ, доступная из Internet
149Беликов В.В., Вабищевич Н.П., Вабищевич П.Н., Катышков Ю.В., Мосунова Н.А.База данных по свойствам материалов
150Дударев В.А., Земсков В.С., Киселева Н.Н., Мурат Д., Подбельский В., Столяренко А.База данных по свойствам тройных неорганических соединений «Фазы» в сети Интернет
151Белокурова И.Н., Земсков В.С., Киселева Н.Н., Подбельский В., Хорбенко В.В., Христофоров Ю.И.База данных по фазовым диаграммам полупроводниковых систем с доступом из Интернет
152Белокурова И.Н., Земсков В.С., Киселев Н.Н., Киселева Н.Н., Кравченко Н.В., Петухов В. В., Черемушкин Е.А., Шелимова Л.Е.Банк данных по фазовым диаграммам полупроводниковых систем "ДИАГРАММА"
153Кузнецова Л.А., Пазюк Е. А., Столяров А.В.Банк данных РАДЭН. Радиационные и энергетические характеристики двухатомных молекул
154Земсков В.С., Кузнецов Ф.А., Уфимцев В.Б.Банки данных по полупроводниковым и другим материалам электронной техники и процессам их получения
155Гусаров В.В., Мазурин О.В.Будущее информационных технологий в материаловедении
156Девятых Г.Г., Карпов Ю.А., Осипова Л.И.Выставка-коллекция веществ особой чистоты. М.: Наука
157Гурвич Л.В.ИВТАНТЕРМО – автоматизированная система данных о термодинамических свойствах веществ
158Дударев В.А.Интеграция информационных систем в области неорганической химии и материаловедения. М.: URSS
159Дударев В.А., Земсков В.С., Киселева Н.Н.Интегрированная система баз данных по свойствам материалов для электроники
160Белоножко А.Б., Докина Т.Н., Лопатин А.Л., Самохвалова О.Л., Ушаковская Т.В., Чичагов А.В., Шилова З.В.Информационно-вычислительная система по кристаллическим данным минералов (Минкрист)
161Девятых Г.Г., Ковалев И.Д., Крылов В.А., Малышев К.К., Осипова Л.И.Информационно-расчетная система «Высокочистые вещества и материалы»
162Зицерман В.Ю., Кобзев Г.А., Фокин Л.Р.Информационный конвейер для справочных данных о теплофизических свойствах веществ
163Киселева Н.Н.Компьютерное конструирование неорганических соединений. Использование баз данных и методов искусственного интеллекта. М.: Наука
164Борисов С.В., Ипатова Е.Н., Кузнецов Ф.А., Магарилл С.А., Подберезская Н.В., Титов В.А.Кристаллические структуры неорганических веществ – база количественных данных. Принципы построения и опыт эксплуатации
165Варламов Д.А., Чичагов А.В.Кристаллографическая и кристаллохимическая база данных для минералов и их структурных аналогов (WWW-МИНКРИСТ)
166Ковач Э.А., Лосев С.А., Сергиевская А.Л.Опыт создания автоматизированной системы научных исследований в области физико-химической газодинамики (система АВОГАДРО)
167Поцайт В.Последние разработки для выбора и оптимизации свойств материалов
168Бацылев Ф., Василенко Е., Мещерякова Т., Порысева Е.Проблемно-ориентированная фактографическая база данных по нанокомпозитам
169Сенов О.В., Соловьев В.А.Разработка банка оцененных данных по физическим свойствам перспективных сталей и сплавов ядерной энергетики
170Авербух В.М., Бернштейн Д.Р., Марцоха И.И., Морозов Е.Г., Ратнер И.М.Реализация банка данных по люминофорам на персональном компьютере
171Белокурова И.Н., Дударев В.А., Земсков В.С., Киселева Н.Н., Подбельский В., Прокошев И.В., Хорбенко В.В.Система баз данных по материалам для электроники в сети Интернет
172Кольцова Э.М., Краснов А.А., Порысева Е.Создание и разработка информационной системы в области нанокомпозиционных материалов
173Трахтенгерц М.С.Технология подготовки информации для баз данных в обменном формате ISO 2709
174Калашников А.Н., Фокин Л.Р.Транспортные свойства смеси разреженных газов N2-H2 в базе данных ЭПИДИФ

Records found: 174.

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