№ | Name (Abbreviation) | Contacts | Comments |
41 | DB on Thermophysical Properties of Pure Substances & Mixtures (DETHERM) [see details...] | Website: http://i-systems.dechema.de/detherm Phone: +496975640 Fax: +49697564201 e-Mail: | Thermodynamical properties, phase equilibriums, transport and electrical properties of inorganic compounds and mixtures, properties of surface and solutions of electrolytes. It is accessible in STN network. |
42 | DB on thermophysical properties of industrial important chemicals (DIPPR) [see details...] | Website: https://www.aiche.org/dippr Phone: Fax: e-Mail: http://dippr.byu.edu/ | Temperature depending properties of industrial substances. |
43 | DB on radiative and energetic properties of diatomic molecules (РАДЕН) [see details...] | Website: http://www.elch.chem.msu.ru/cgi-bin/raden/raden.cgi Phone: Fax: e-Mail: | Radiative and energetic properties of diatomic molecules. |
44 | Thermophysical Properties of Matter DB (TPRC/TPMD) [see details...] | Website: https://cindasdata.com/ Phone: Fax: e-Mail: | Thermophysical and electronic properties of inorganic substances and materials. |
45 | DB on thermodynamic properties of inorganic substances (SGTE) [see details...] | Website: https://www.sgte.net/en/ Phone: Fax: e-Mail: | Thermophysical data of inorganic substances. |
46 | Thermodynamic DB and special software (THERMO-CALC) [see details...] | Website: https://www.thermocalc.com/ Phone: +46854595930 Fax: +4686733718 e-Mail: info@thermocalc.se | Software for thermodynamical modeling and DB on thermophysical properties of inorganic substances and alloys. |
47 | Gmelin-Online Datensystem [see details...] | Website: Phone: Fax: e-Mail: | Physical and chemical properties of inorganic and organometallic compounds. It is accessible in STN network. |
48 | MOlecular GAsphase DOCumentation DB (MOGADOC) [see details...] | Website: http://www.uni-ulm.de/strudo/mogadoc/ Phone: 1497315031050 Fax: 1497315031059 e-Mail: juergen.vogt@chemie.uni-ulm.de | Bibliography on structural, electrical and magnetic properties, electronic and microwave spectra of molecules of inorganic, organometallic and organic substances in gaseous phase. |
49 | Electronic Materials Information Service (EMIS) [see details...] | Website: Phone: +441438313311 Fax: +441438360079 e-Mail: jsears@iee.org.uk | Bibliography on semiconducting and other materials for electronics. |
50 | Software for calculation of physical, thermodynamic and transport properties and, the phase equilibrium of pure components and mixtures and DB on thermophysical properties of fluids (liquids and gases) (PPDS) [see details...] | Website: http://www.ppds.co.uk Phone: +441355272152 Fax: +441355272265 e-Mail: ajohns@nel.uk | Software for thermodynamical calculations and DB on thermophysical properties of gases and liquids. |
51 | DB for superconducting materials (SUPERCON) [see details...] | Website: https://supercon.nims.go.jp/English.html Phone: +81298531082 Fax: +81298531090 e-Mail: asada@nrim.go.jp | Properties of superconductors. |
52 | ASM Materials Information Online (ASMDATA) [see details...] | Website: http://asmcommunity.asminternational.org/portal/site/www/MatInformation/OnlineDatabase/ Phone: 4403385411 Fax: e-Mail: don.lensner@asminternational.org | Properties of composites, steels, metals, non-ferrous alloys and plastics. |
53 | Bibliographic DB of the world's literature on copper, copper alloys and copper technology (COPPERDATA) [see details...] | Website: http://www.csa.com/copperdata/ Phone: +12122517211 Fax: +12122517234 e-Mail: | Physical, mechanical, electrical, corrosive and thermal properties of copper and its alloys. |
54 | Alloy DB for Micro-Solders (ADAMIS) [see details...] | Website: Phone: Fax: e-Mail: | Термодинамические свойства сплавов для микропайки. |
55 | Information system of rare earths [see details...] | Website: Phone: Fax: e-Mail: | Physical and chemical properties of rare earths and parameters of extraction processes. |
56 | DB on amorphous materials [see details...] | Website: Phone: Fax: e-Mail: | Properties of amorphous materials. |
57 | DB on thermophysical properties of solids (THERSYST-THERPRO) [see details...] | Website: Phone: +497116852125 Fax: +497116852010 e-Mail: weiland@ike.uni_stuttgart.de | Thermophysical properties of solid alloys of aluminum, magnesium and titanium, materials for nuclear applications. |
58 | Materials Database System WIAM [see details...] | Website: http://www.wiam.de/englisch/werkstoffdatenbank_en.html Phone: +493518837348 Fax: +493518837530 e-Mail: geissler@ima-dresden.de | Properties and range of products of pig iron, non-ferrous metals and additive materials for welding, properties of aluminum and its alloys, copper and its alloys, properties of stainless steels for welding, properties of building and machine-building steels and plastics. |
59 | DB on properties of materials with hydrogen (HYDROGENE DATA) [see details...] | Website: Phone: +33146873593 Fax: +33146750433 e-Mail: droniou@glvt_cnrs.fr | Mechanical, electrical, electrochemical, and magnetic properties of hydrogen-materials, data on diffusion and solubility of hydrogen, hydrogen-accumulators, influence of surface, mechanical and thermal treatment, structure, etc. |
60 | DB on physical properties of alloys for nuclear power engineering [see details...] | Website: Phone: Fax: e-Mail: | Physical properties of steels and alloys for nuclear power engineering. |